Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Day 55 Mindfulness

I have only had a sketchy idea of mindfulness - as in being aware of self, self action, and the world around me. And in reading blogs I came across this at Green Mountain at Fox Run.

Living It
Assume the stance of an impartial witness to your own experience. Be aware of your impulse to judge and how preoccupied you are with liking and disliking.
Allow things to unfold in their own time. Allow yourself to unfold in your own time.
Beginner's Mind
To see the present moment, cultivate a mind that is willing to see everything as if for the first time. Try to let go of expectations based on past experience. Be open to new possibilities.
Trust yourself and your own basic wisdom and goodness. Honor your feelings and your intuition.
You do not have to achieve or excel—there is no goal other than for you to be yourself.
This refers to seeing things as they actually are in the present. We waste a lot of energy denying and resisting what is already fact, decreasing energy that could be used for healing and growing. We can be assured that whatever is present in any moment will change.
Letting Go
This is about non-attachment. Often there are certain thoughts, feelings and situations that the mind seems to want to hold on to. Try not to let the universe depend on you making it happen. There may be strong attachments to wanting things to be a certain way.
Tune into your basic worthiness. Treat yourself with kindness and compassion. We may be more generous with others than with ourselves. Give yourself the gift of stillness.

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