Friday, 10 September 2010

Day 17 Swim Day!

I've done masses today, activity wise, so perhaps that is why I am feeling tired and drained. Almost every exertion I did required a small recuperation time, so progress was rather stop and start, but hey, :) we got there in the end.

Exercise!! Woke up unusually early this morning, so decided to go swimming. Hurrah for me!
32 laps - half a mile.

Came home and had breakfast, then got to tidying up, and calling garage about the broken wing mirror on my car that I found this morning. How I wish I had my own driveway. Next house, maybe. Lovely garage man screwed it back in and didn't charge me a thing. Now there's a man who isn't size-ist. I always get good service from them.

Calorie intake: a twirletting...2216 !!
From Cheerios breakfast, bacon & egg lunch, pork pie snack, smoked salmon in cream cheese sauce pasta dinner followed by a very yummy coconut flapjack brought by H who came to visit today. Made by her own self, so how could I say no? We also imbibed some rather nice Freixenet cava. It tasted so creamy from all the bubbles bursting in the mouth. Evening finished off with a viewing of Persuasion with the very delicious (and fat-free!!) youthful version of Ciaran Hinds as Captain Wentworth. H disagreed, she reckons he is more attractive now he is older.

All in all, another day of mindfulness. The pie was a lapse, yes, but it was counted into the day's eating.

Got a bit of a gyppy tummy today. I think perhaps it was all the egg, or the pastry or perhaps all that rich cheese in the pasta sauce. Or the coconut... Or all that garlic? Hmm, will have to investigate on another occasion. Or perhaps I have just become sensitive to alcohol now my stomach has more time to think about what it is doing?

It's interesting, thinking about the sensitivities, normally I don't think, and just shovel stuff in. A change for the better :)

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