Sunday, 26 December 2010

Day 124 Boxing Day and Self-Love

-6ºC this morning. The sun is gleaming through the misty clouds, giving a golden glow to everything it touches. Midas touch. Will have to wrap up extra layers to go for my walk today. Just saw an intrepid copper cycle past - hmm, perhaps a short cycle ride around the cleared up roads tomorrow? We'll see.

Sandie Shaw is on Desert Island Discs this morning. There was a lovely song she sang in the sixties called Coconut Grove. She's a really interesting person, and her account of her life makes me realise that everybody has good and bad periods in their lives. And we all find ways to help us cope and allow us to grow as human beings. Hers was Buddhism, dropping out of the 60s musical spotlight and training as a psychotherapist. I particularly like the way she talks about choosing to work as a waitress rather than doing stuff she didn't feel comfortable with, in order to preserve her integrity. Self-respect, is, I believe the cornerstone of being authentic. I wonder what mine will be. This morning I am thinking, compared to myself of Christmas 2008, I am in such a different place, and a better place, a much more serene place. I hope by Christmas 2011, I will be someone who has self-respect, integrity and self-love. Those qualities are what I am really seeking. Being healthy, fit, successful etc etc will all come once I have those 3 things balanced in my life. :)

Today's photo is from last summer. Gosh, I remember a few days being really hot too, too hot to sit outside in my garden for long! What a difference a few months makes.

And we can apply that thought to all sorts of other things - like creating new habits. I'm back to my baby steps, and when I look back next Christmas at this post, I am sure I will be someone quite different - physically, emotionally, mentally and doing all sorts of things I cannot even fathom myself doing now! Yay for future change, and yay for living life moment by moment.

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