Curious thing, eves. Portentous word. The Eve of... Eve is also Adam's mate. Eve, I suppose, comes directly from Eventide, or Evening. So, here we are, at Christmas Eve. I've downed tools for the holiday, until Boxing Day. No work. I might think about it though.
The sun is shining, and it is still pretty cold. I've cleared the trodden in ice & snow from the garden path at the front. Might go do the same at the back, so cat can mosey out. Am pretty certain she hasn't ventured out for a week now! Hot-house princess moggy! Maybe she needs some bootees?
Photo of the day is of a night I enjoyed. Here am I at my 43th birthday with my siblings. We're at a chinese restaurant eating dim sum! Not a night, exactly, as it was lunch, but I don't have a photo of the night I first met my last partner. Now that was fun - we went to eat Lebanese food and I dazzled him with my newly acquired knowledge of British Sign Language Alphabet Signs! I still mean to learn BSL, perhaps this year will be the successful evening classes year. :)
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