Thursday, 9 December 2010

Day 107 FBP update

Good news! I've checked the unreliable scales's verdict - it says no change. Excellent. So the three and a half G&Ts, cheesy baked potato & salad, chocolate digestive, tomato, Dr Karg's pumpkin & cheese cracker, and a smidge of basil & lime flavoured chocolate I ate off plan yesterday didn't undo the good effects of being on the FBP. My dinner came with tortilla chips which I sensibly dumped off my plate - yay for learning good new eating habits.

Speaking of learning new habits, apparently, it takes 21 days/tries to ingrain this into the brain. So, am contemplating doing the FBP for one more week to help underscore my good new habits, and to go back to a standard eating pattern for the two weeks after before getting back onto the FBP. It will also cover the holiday season & any eating excesses that might occur!

Have also had positive feedback about the project. Busy day tomorrow. :)

Today's food was back on the meat & tomatoes - so have had pork loin chops dry stir-fried on a bed of halved cherry tomatoes & watercress, and a small rump steak pan fried in 1 tsp olive oil, along with 2 halved tomatoes on a bed of watercress & spinach leaves. Also had the last of the tomato veg soup from yesterday, will make some more soup tomorrow. Feeling quite quite full, just have to get the water intake up to speed - a couple of pints before bed. Tomorrow's FBP is meat/protein & any veg plus FB soup. Have to factor in a run to the shops for fruit to juice on Saturday, and then it is back on the FBP for another week maybe. I'm going to be most pleased if I manage to lose another 3 lbs by the end of this week - getting past that 21 st/294 lbs number is looming large in my mind!

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