I went to see Black Rebel Motorcycle Club play in Birmingham O2 Academy yesterday. I've been wanting to see them live for about 3 years, but for one reason or another haven't been able to. And this time too, it seemed like events were conspiring to derail this attempt, as the band were in Glasgow a few days ago, when Scotland had a lock-down on all transport due to extreme wintry conditions. But, they got here, a day late, and me & R, my music gigging buddy, jaunted off to see them. The hall was packed. All ages & types of people, which we really liked. And loads of CO2 fuming up onstage. Right from the very first guitar chord it was deafening! I had to laugh, it was SO loud we had to move back a bit from doing our fervent groupie impression right at the front...hehe. My ears are still deaf this morning, and although the cacophony of sound was at times a little bit unintelligible, I am so glad I finally got to see them. Next time I do manage it, I'll try and see them in a nice big open air venue. In the meantime I'll just enjoy their lovely, far better sounding CDs!
Here's a picture of them I took, from my vantage point right next to the loudspeaker... eek!
And here is a photo cribbed from
somewhere else...
R & I were really chuffed to see they had a girl drummer - yay for women in rock and roll!
The next day, we had breakfast at the hotel, and the last time I did this, I ate everything in sight! This time though, I thought it through, and just had stuff I knew was good for me, and not too much of it! Scrambled eggs, marmite & butter on toast, blackcurrant jam, tea, AND I left some of the butter and jam uneaten...!! Unheard of in previous incarnations of me. I'm the eat-the-plate-clean woman. Yay for this little victory.
Am back on the FBP for the rest of this week. Tomorrow is the meeting I get feedback on the designs I did this week - it will either make, or break my weekend. I'm putting out positive vibes and visualizing a great meeting and happy clients! :)
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