Saturday, 4 December 2010

Day 102 FBP week 2 and a great weigh- in

Hurray! The unreliable scales told me I was 21 stone and 4 lbs this morning. I am now 1 stone less than I was on 14 Sept this year, when I weighed 22 stone 4 1/2 lbs.

I have sloughed off 7 lbs this week - an amazing feat!
Now to focus on getting another 7 lbs off before Christmas. And I think I'll get myself some new perfume for getting to that goal. :) Best time to get it too - the shops are full of the stuff!

I was watching a TV psychology programme yesterday about Body Language, talking about the euphoria of winning. And how it is closely linked to the well-being feelings we get after amazing sex. Well - winning this week has certainly made me feel euphoric, and I want to do it again!

Other great pointers the programme listed about becoming a winner, an achiever, a success - fix small goals and achieve them; research & do the leg-work and practice, practice, practice; act as if, be confident, be positive; see failures as stepping stones/markers to try doing things another way; visualize self in the successful outcome. I like that last one especially. I'm going to be imagining myself in all those situations I want to be in. 

What is interesting too to me, is this: I already KNOW all this stuff, in the abstract. But it has just been words, which I've dimly understood the meaning of, but, I DO comprehend exactly. Those words REALLY paint a picture, REALLY shine light on the scene. It is like I've been groping around in the dark with a dim flashlight, and now I've replaced the batteries and I can SEE!

I have control over what happens in my life. What I can make changes in, direct, manage, have responsibility for, I will. What I can't, I'll leave. And most of all, stop worrying about things I cannot change and make me feel unhappy, and focus on the positive, and the stuff that makes me feel happy.

FBP Week 2 Day 1 started off well - I had pink grapefruit and a couple of satsumas for breakfast. And I've had 2 pints of water already. I think today I'll be drinking roobios tea with milk - I've run out of my rosehip tea. Hmm, that could necessitate a trip to Uhuru this week - a great little organics foodshop in Cowley Road. They do a huge range of teas.

It's curried cauliflower soup & lots of fruit on the menu today. It has warmed up a bit now, so I'm off to get ready for the day, wrap up warm and venture out to the supermarket jungle!

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