I have sore muscles! So even that teeny little cycle had an effect yesterday.
Decided to go search out some Aquadulce Claudia broad bean seeds for my allotment. A friend gave me the tip that it overwinters well, and means next May, all being well, I'll have a nice crop of very early broad beans, early enough to miss the blackfly infestation. :) They're a bit of a fiddle to prepare, need popping out of their pods, and then after a brief steam or boil, shucking out of their outer jackets. Worth all the effort for the taste and look though, pretty green jewels on the plate.
Food today has been allright. Porridge with honey & milk, then a caffe latte (no sugar) midmorning, lentil soup & toast with cheese for late lunch, and mushrooms & watercress in a creamy cheesy sauce with wholewheat spaghetti for dinner. For snacks I've had a satsuma and a clementine, a nice Royal Gala apple, a banana muffin and some hot tea.
I'm pleased that I said no to offers of biscuits and cake at the meeting. My calorie count could easily have become much higher! As it is it is 2404 calories. If I had held on the cheese at lunch and cut out the butter & muffin, it would have been just over 1600. Hmmm - food for thought! Yesterday's total was less than 1800, which what I want to be aiming at now. Thing is because it is cold I am craving warm stodgy carbohydrate filled meals... Anyway, I bought some pearl barley this week, and am going to try out some big hearty vegetable filled soups, and see if they fix that craving and keep my calories down!
It is freeeeeeezing! I have two pairs of socks on so I don't get chillblains this year. I got them for the first time ever last year -ouchy itchy nasty. Another note to Santa - some big woolly socks please!
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