Thursday, 18 November 2010

Day 86 Counting my blessings

I'm having a little trouble in this journey, this plan to reshape my edible universe, so for now I'm going to put that to one side and look at all the good things that are going on in my life right now.

Live in the moment. That is what all those 'self-help' and 'motivational' books tell me. So. In this moment, I am feeling good. I live in a nice little home of my own. I have central heating! Yay! (Thanks to my lovely ex - handy man extraordinaire!) so my house is warm. I have a lovely companion, who has been with me through thick and thin for 15 years...

I have a career in a field I am good at, and people respect me for my skills :) I have a hobby, gardening, that I enjoy, even if I'm not that good at it... ;) I have a lovely family, who care about me, even though we all live far away from each other. And I have some good friends who are there when it is important, even if their lives are busy doing other things now.

So, thank you for this good life. I am SO lucky to be who I am.

I aim to make it an even better life by looking after my health better, so I can enjoy doing all those things I enjoy doing now, even more! And to do things I've dreamt about doing and never thought I'd ever in a million years do.

Here are some aspirational pictures - kind of like a vision board. I'm going to come back to this in a few months and see if I have done any of them... :)

Sailing dinghies... at Farmoor; more visits (and walking!) around National Trust properties; more visits to places of historical interest, either walking around, or cycling around. And maybe golf and tennis next spring.

WHITE HORSE (copyright BBC)
BIKING IN SKYE (copyright website)
 Hmm, that might be fun, going for a summer holiday cycling around Scotland...

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