Monday, 8 November 2010

Day 76 instead of eating...

I've been psyching myself up all day. Re-iterating the phrase, 'Act as if.' Tomorrow I want to shine, to create some great stuff, so I'm doing that programming myself thing, visualizing myself being the person I want to be. I do hope my subconscious is listening and watching!

Food today: Calories 2431. And yes, I do know what hiked it up - crackers with cheese & a banana muffin. On the other hand - the crackers were eaten without butter, I only had one ounce of cheese, and the muffin was a lone one :) And yay for me for resisting having a late night snack of something or other, and brushing my teeth immediately instead!

Other things I did instead of eating today - hopped into a really nice warm bath and fed my sense of smell with some deliciously fruity cherry bath jelly (a present from my sister bought from Lush). Now that was a great achievement - I have been avoiding having baths for so long because one, I was afraid I wouldn't fit into it any more, and two, I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to get myself out of it! My fears were groundless, and I now foresee many happy bath hours ahead :) Cat was a very interested observer!

My sniffle seems to have abated, I'm going to sleep now and hope my immune system has conquered the dastardly virus. No swim today after all, thought it better to fend off the cold.

Breakfast: wholemeal pitta with 3 scrambled eggs made with butter, oil & milk, roobios tea
Lunch: 2 slices wholemeal toast, butter, Laughing Cow Light cheese spread, 2 bowls homemade chicken soup (thank you R!), an apple, a banana, roobios tea
Afternoon: rosehip tea, chicken bovril drink
Dinner: sliced pork loin chop with carrots & peas in madeira sauce, cabbage, mashed potatoes
Supper: 5 Jacobs crackers, 1 oz cheddar, 1 banana muffin

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