Sunday, 30 January 2011

Happy loss - one pound down

Stood on the scales yesterday (yep I know I said sundays, but yesterday just seemed right) and the unreliable scales told me I had a one pound loss. Yay! I got on and off 3 times to make sure. :) 312 lbs this week. Heh!

I think I have been more relaxed this week, so bod has reciprocated by letting go of what it had been hanging onto in its flight/fight energy corralling reaction. Good oh.

This sunday I woke up ridiculously early - before 4 am. Pitch black outside and f-f-f-freezing still. Still ice on the buckets in the garden. So have been reading blogs. This time of the personal finance variety. I love blogs now. Full of stuff I never knew, and every so often I come across one or two that resonate. Again I am reminded here: when the student is ready the right teacher will appear.

One of the goals I outlined in my list of last week (highly personal so not on my blog) was to reach some personal financial goals this year. Reading other people's experiences and dedication in this area, and also their backstory to their efforts gives me ideas on how to tackle my own issues.

I have plenty of hang-ups I want to deal with. This year I truly believe I can do it. And man, it is a GOOD feeling when I do.


  1. :))))) on the loss!! i truly believe you can do it, too. be well hun.

  2. I love when that happens... you stumble across the perfect thing on a blog, at the right time. Happens to me, too! :-)

  3. It sure IS a good feeling!
