Monday, 17 January 2011

Day 145 Fabulous Fruity and my new start

Jan 17th 2010. Start date to getting below 300 lbs.

I finally got back on the scales this morning, a month after finishing the Fat Burner Plan where I lost 7 lbs. I'm sad to say, but not surprised that that loss has been regained and more. My current weight is 315 lbs. I know it is down to undisciplined portion sizes, eating foods like butter, white bread, cheese, chocolate to excess, and most of all, not doing any regular exercise.

I've got a mini goal list set up. My first goal is to get below 300 lbs. So I'm aiming to lose 16 lbs. And when I do, I will treat myself to a beauty treatment, like a facial, a pedicure or a manicure.

The plan from today is to eat less, and move more. Especially the moving more! The eating less, means less of the white bread, butters, cheese & chocolate, and any other processed foods, and more wholefoods, and unprocessed foodstuffs. I'm eating more fruit and veg again, more lean proteins, and wholefood starchy carb sources. All things I like. I am incorporating treats into each day, which I can have IF I wish. And there will be a 'cheat' meal option, once a week, that I can use for socializing.

I have discovered over the past month of undisciplined eating that when I did eat 'naughty' foods, that curiously, I don't enjoy them as much as I once did, AND that I am happier with less. Yay for changing my eating habits! My plan is to keep to my new instincts and replace buying snacks with non-food treats for those 'I've-been-working-so-hard-I-deserve-a-treat' moments. So many things I can have - like a haircut, a massage, a pedicure, a manicure, a cinema trip, a theatre trip, a gig trip, some new music, art classes, art paraphernalia, perfume, cosmetics, nice bath products, scented candles, a good book. And instead of reaching for a snack, I can go for a little walk to clear my mind and get some fresh air.

The biggest improvement I am looking for over the next month or so, is doing more activity. I have not been swimming since the beginning of November. I only went on one tiny walk in December, in the snow, which was fun. This is what I want to work on over the next two weeks initially, to bring back exercise as a habit, so I am back into that groove I had started in late summer, swimming most days, and going for an interesting walk every weekend.

Today has started off well. I had a fruit platter for breakfast - grapes, nashi pear, and a couple of plums with roobios tea. Lunch is going to be home made minestrone soup, and a mushroom & spinach omelet. Dinner, I'm planning turkey breast steak, leeks, carrots, courgettes and new potatoes. I have fresh pineapple for snacks, and if I want, there is ice-cream Solero at 100 cals in the freezer.

Tonight I am planning a trip to the swimming pool. I've collected together all my swim gear, and checked the adult swim times: 8 -10pm. I am visualizing myself swimming in that pool. :) It'll be good to get back into the water.

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