Sunday, 29 August 2010

Day 5

First off. I finally got to grips with calorie counting today. So much easier now than looking it up in a little book. Lazy of me, think of all the calories I could have been burning flipping through those pages and the brain energy I might have used to add to my calorie deficit, damn, maybe using the book will be better - had better get one!

So: calories in today - 2520. Porridge with milk & 1 tsp sugar, onion baton with can tuna mixed with 1 heaped tsp creme fraiche (half fat), a big salad with croutons and 2 tbsp low fat caesar dressing, 6 roast chicken thighs, bruschetta with tomatoes, olive oil, salt & pepper, a Walls Berry Berry ice cream lolly, cocoa with 6 tsp sugar
Water: 3 pints + and am drinking another now.

Energy out: pottered around the garden, did a spot of weeding & planting, walked around a supermarket, a fairly inactive day.

I think if I get some lo cal hot chocolate substitutes that will fix the choccie drink craving & save me nearly 300 calories, & maybe learn to brush olive oil on instead of pouring it on bruschetta. And perhaps take off the skin from the chicken in future.

It was really nice to eat bread though. Bread is one of my overeating triggers - I can eat vast quantities of it with slatherings of butter. I don't like marge at all. So I try not to buy it now, and if I do it is a special treat. When I was recovering from my op, I had lots of time on my hands and wasn't allowed to do much, so I made bread. It was immensely satisfying to knead & shape the dough and yummy to eat if a bit misshapen. :)

All in all an okay sort of day. Baking programme on TV did make me think about doing some myself but luckily am right out of butter...and eggs. Am thinking about making a beetroot chcolate cake though, got some lurking in the fridge. Beetroot, roasted is delicious, or I could make borscht, hmmm.

Cat has been sick a lot today, and been wanting lots of cuddles. I am typing this with a large fur muff laid across my left shoulder...

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