Saturday 28 August 2010

Day 4 - Sofa Slouch

I'm having a well earned sofa slouch this evening.

Expedition to the lottie was quite successful. The nettle triffid has been vanquished and consigned to compost heaven. And I only got stung a teeny bit :)

The azada is fantastic. Took me a few blows to get the hang of it, but once I'd sorted that I cleared out a huge clump of couch grass - that was VERY satisfying. Arms a tad sore now from wielding the loppers, it is an open wide and close movement, excellent for the biceps and triceps, pectorals and because I was bending, some effort by my shoulder muscles too. I'm looking forward to clearing out the raised beds now, and getting that nice soil tilth thing going. All the stuff I have read about gardening emphasize the importance of good soil preparation and I guess now is MY moment to do that. Next year I am going to have some fabulous plants!

That reminds me I must start looking again at which raspberries and strawberries I want for next year. I'm a bit gutted that the raspberries I transplanted had such a hard time this year. Next year's sticks though are going to be planted in good manured weed-free soil, and lets see how they do.

On the exercise front, today has been an all round success. Huge grin. Endorphins amuck here! Food front also looking up today. I do believe the sunshine has helped, AND so far tonight that annoying light from the neigbours has remained off - HURRAH.

Breakfast: porridge 1/3 cup oats, 1.5 fl oz milk, roobios tea
Lunch: 4 rashers bacon, 1 courgette, chopped & fried in 1 tablespoon olive oil, plus 3 oz rice (uncooked weight) roobios tea (I passed on the lolly after all - had a nap instead)
Dinner: 1 courgette, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 2 oz (uncooked weight) lentils, 2 oz mince beef bolognaise sauce & 100g wholemeal spaghetti plus 2 oz grated cheddar. 7 dried apricots, small box of california raisins, roobios tea
Water: Almost 3 pint glasses so far. Its 10pm now, will probably have another one before bedtime.

Feeling upbeat today.

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