Friday, 13 September 2013


I've lost 8 lbs since the beginning of August. And I'm pretty sure it is because I now have a Fitbit. I find myself on some days trotting madly around the house to reach my goal of 3000 steps. The goal is to make it thru the whole week with 3000 steps at least every day before I raise the bar.

My local park is now my new favourite place. :)

Friday, 7 June 2013

My Fitness Pal

Well, have been logging on there for 3 months now, and just started an easy-in fitness programme called 5BX - 11 minutes of cardio every morning. Usually do it in about 5 mins as I'm still at the easy peasy stage, huffing and puffing!

On 10 April I weighed 355 lbs. Gulp - 11 pounds heavier than the last time I weighed self back in October 2012 at the doc's.
Feeling much better now than I did most of last year :) Yay!

Not weighed self recently, but am more energetic, and best of all less back pain on doing stuff.

Friday, 1 February 2013

Happy Birdie Hunting Cleo!

Cleo. Nov 1995 - Jan 2013
Much beloved furry friend. Thank you for your companionship, fun, fights and drama for the last seventeen years. Miss you lots. xx